Standards For Women in Technology.

Women have been working in Information Technology since it became a profession. So, why is it that they are still held at a lower standard than men in the IT position? Let’s be real, even now, when you walk into Best Buy for some help with your computer, phone, etc. from Geek Squad, do you expect a nice lady to service your technology? Most people don’t. They picture a slim, muscle deprived guy, maybe in his mid 20’s, with glasses, and a nerdy haircut to come and take care of their needs.  It’s not even society’s fault, it’s literally a bias and stereotype created that only nerds deal with computers or any form of technology.  But, Women have contributed so much to the advancements of technology.  Most people don’t realize these things but there are female CEO’s in technology and as the years go by, they will notice the real marks women are leaving in the IT profession and business.

Below is a video showing professions women hold in Information Technology:


Digital Citizenship? What’s That?

What is Digital Citizenship? Well, let me break it down for you. Let’s say you live in a country, which you probably do. You might be a citizen of that country. You have rights and you have fellow citizens. You have rules you should follow and ways in which you should treat your fellow citizens. Basically, digital citizenship works like that too, just through technology.

To be a model digital citizen, you should have a certain moral code pertaining to the way you use the internet. The picture to the left is the perfect example of how to “internet”. Kind of a little reminder to think before you “internet”.  You should always do your best to post information that is factual, helpful to others, inspirational, necessary, and always kind.

Refrain from any malicious activity towards other digital citizens.  Anything that can harm another through digital media is a form of cyber bullying and is completely wrong. Cyber bullying can hurt others psychologically and is extremely dangerous and should kept out of any form of information and/or social media platforms.

Also, here is a short video on the basics of digital citizenship that you citizens should find helpful. 🙂 


Blog 3: Drones and Their Warfare

Drone or an unmanned aerial vehicle, UAV for my Call of Duty fans, is exactly what it says it is. An aerial vehicle without a pilot.

Drones have been around for decades. They’ve been used by hobbyists, universities, and other organizations for sport. Alongside these uses are also military and police uses as well. This is where drone use gets messy.

In my opinion, I am completely not in favor of drone use. I find it really overwhelming; not because I do not understand the technology. I know exactly what they are and what they are capable of doing in the hands of authority and military; that is why I find them overwhelming and pretty scary at that. Some people would disagree with me but I have reasons for how I feel. Especially since the military uses drones mostly for drone strikes, which have proved inaccurate and killed innocent civilians at times. I just feel that this kind of technology is something that is very dangerous and scary, for the general public in the United States and even more so overseas.


3D Printing: How Has it Impacted the Medical World?

There have been many advancements in technology that have influenced Not a lot of people are aware of the term 3D printing. It isn’t a new concept either, it has been around for years.

3D Printing is the process for making a physical object from a three-dimensional digital model, typically by laying down many successive thin layers of a material(oxford). There have been numerous advancements in the medical world owed to 3d printing.

One example is this photo to the left of a skeleton printed using a 3D printer. There have been many cases of patients in need of new bones and being able to replace them at realistic prices all due to the advancements in 3D printing. One cannot honestly rely on the concept of a “bone transplant”. Doctors and patients have relied on plates, screws, and other means of orthopedic treatments for their predicaments.

Here is a short video about Neurosurgeons successfully implanting 3D printed skull.

The point of this blog is to show examples and prove that because of 3d printing, there have been so many advances to the medical world. It has done more than printed out phone cases and little toys. 3d printing has saved lives.



Blog Assignment 1: Wearables/AR/VR

What is Wearable Technology?

Wearable Technology is any type of clothing or accessory that incorporates a computer and/or electronic technology. The purpose of this type of technology is to integrate technology and tools into one’s everyday life.

There are multiple forms of wearable technology.  Inventors have come up with watches, wristbands, clothing, glasses, and other accessories that enable users to perform their daily tasks more easily and, in some cases, efficiently. There has even been talk about wearable technology even replacing smartphones for their users. Personally, I don’t think so.  smartphones may do certain things like monitoring movement, along with other functions.

Two examples of wearable technology are augmented reality, relating to the real-world, and virtual reality, which is used for virtual worlds. Both of these enable users to get a different view of things all because of technology.
